Tendinitis and articular pain

Chiropractic care can help


Tendinitis and articular problems can be caused by a traumatic incident, chronic imbalance overtime or other reasons. They can be caused by a single factor or a combination of causes.  Here are the most frequent factors:

Physical causes of tendinitis and articular problems:

Articulations, muscles and even tendons and ligaments are maintained through physical movement. Movement is therefore essential in maintaining healthy joints and an efficient locomotor system.
On the contrary, the overuse, or improper use of joints, wears them and can provoke inflammation of the joints. This is the reason why long-term, repetitive movements at work trigger what we call neuromusculosketal disorders. These also can be triggered by bad posture, chronic use of computers, smartphones, etc.

Sports must be performed properly, from a technical level, in order to fully enjoy its positive effects and limit its risks.
Tendons are particularly sensitive to compression, and you should keep that in mind while working out. In order to gain muscle without stressing them too much (and potentially getting a tendinitis), you should load the muscle in positions in which the tendon isn’t compressed by pulley zones (zones where the working muscle’s tendon is reflected by an osseous surface).

Identifying daily activities that overuse certain parts of your body or uses them in an improper way will allow you to diminish the amount of stress on your body. This can be done through muscle rehabilitation exercises or through learning the optimal way to perform the movements so that it diminishes the stress on the articulations and tendons engaged.

The chemical causes of articular issues

Articulations are sensitive to the body’s chemical balance. This balance depends on external and internal parameters. Among the external parameters are physical activity, hydration, breathing, toxic chemicals (drugs and medication, alcohol, smoking, intoxication, bacteria, viruses). Among the internal criteria are psychological and emotional states, which release different neurotransmitters, chemicals, and hormones depending on the person’s stress level, emotions, thoughts, and so on.

External factors:

A healthy and balanded diet ensures that enough nutrients are absorbed in order to maintain the joints’ cells’ integrity and function (thus healthy joints). In the case of nutritional deficiencies, or in order to restore healthy joints (when the joint has been worn), it could be advised to take nutritional supplements depending upon the worn body tissue. Ask your health practitioner about what’s best suited for you personally.

Hydration is an essential component of health. In the articular system, it facilitates optimal muscle function around the joint, drains toxic chemicals and cellular waste, lubricates, and maintains a water-rich synovial fluid, and tissue flexibility and efficiency. It helps to lower the negative impact of inflammation and oxidative stress. It is therefore crucial to regularly hydrate your body with pure water to maintain a healthy articular system and cure it when it’s worn.

Breathing is also crucial for maintaining the body’s chemical balance. It lowers the body’s acidity level, regulates the blood’s chemical balance through exhaling carbon dioxide and inhaling oxygen. Thus it oxygenates the body’s tissues, letting your body create energy, maintain its cellular system, and promoting better cellular health. Proper breathing also decreases the stress level, which contributes to an optimal chemical state.

Limiting toxic chemicals to a minimum helps slow down the aging processes and cellular destruction (apoptosis), maintaining healthy joints and facilitating health.

Internal factors:

Your brain has tremendous power over your body. Each of your thoughts and emotions frees up a chemical cocktail that has an impact on your whole body. Intense or chronic stresses release harmful chemicals into your blood, which puts your body’s chemical state out of balance. Short term, an excess of those chemicals increase the body’s acidity and inflammation and helps your body prepare for an intense moment. However, if the stress remains for a longer time, if it is too intense, chronic, and especially if there are aggravating factors such as smoking and other external factors, then acidity and chronic inflammation attack the entirety of body tissues, including joints.

How does chiropractic help fight against joint pain and dysfunction?

After analyzing your situation in a personalized manner and validating that chiropractic can help you, your chiropractor will perform your first adjustment if needed. She may also suggest physical exercises at home to reinforce the benefits from the session. For optimal health care, she may also recommend consulting other health professionals (MD, physiotherapists or other professionals).

Your chiropractor may choose to adjust manually or instrumentally. An adjustment usually is a very precise, painless, and fast thrust or light contact that accompanies your body in gaining mobility where it is lacking and restoring function where it’s diminished. This way, your body can self regulate more efficiently.

How to maintain healthy joints and tendons?

The majority of articular problems can be avoided by living healthier and taking care of your body’s needs. However, our current lifestyle is so far from the human’s physiological needs that it would be almost impossible to respect all these recommendations.

This is why we advise you to get checked by a chiropractor, even if you’re not in pain. She will check your articular functions and release your body’s stresses before they become pathological, allowing you to enjoy a fully functional body.

If you find yourself suffering from articular pain or disease, get checked by your chiropractor to find out if he can help you, depending upon your situation and personal characteristics. If so, following your treatment plan will increase mobility and decrease pain.

Patients that are following a medical treatment usually can benefit from chiropractic care even if painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are efficient in completely hiding the pain. The goal of the care would be functional improvements and curing the problem so that you don’t need medication to hide the pain.

Depending on the situation, your chiropractor may recommend you seek medical advice or treatment.

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